Travel Theme 2017-2018
Return to Greenschools.The Green-Schools Travel Programme
The children in St. Louis Infants are no strangers to the Green-Schools programme having been awarded flags for the themes of Litter and Waste, Energy and Water. They have now set their sights on “travel”. This theme is significant for all of us not just in relation to the environment but for our personal health and wellbeing. In recent years our travel habits have been changing. The 2011 census tell us that only 25% of primary school children walk to school compared to 50% in 1981.
We in St. Louis Infants are playing our part by setting realistic and achievable targets
- Encouraging children to use “sustainable” travel to school. This includes walking (always with an adult as our children are very young)
- Carpooling if walking is not possible
- Park/Stride. Quite a few people are doing this already. You can always leave your car a little bit away and walk the rest.
- Travel by bus if it suits
- If you are into cycling or scooting why not? But make sure your child wears a helmet and is supervised at all times by you.
The aim of the Green-School programme in St. Louis Infants is to encourage parents and children and teachers to walk to school, Carpool, Park/stride or take the bus instead of using single car travel.
We are all familiar with the traffic jams, fumes, noise which are all the more stressful around school times in the morning. Be kind to yourself this Christmas. Take advice from the Infants School and practice our Green-School code
“Walking is cool and very good for you
Let’s all walk to St Louis Infants school”
On Friday 1st December the Children Parents, Teachers and SNAs decided to put into practice our travel goals to leave the car and have a big walk to school instead. The weather was kind enough and we had great Fun.
St.Louis Infant School Big Walk
The Big Walk took place in St Louis Infant School on Friday 1st of December when teachers and children made a big effort to walk all of the way to school or if that was not possible to walk part of the way eg. Park and Stride. What a turn out we had! The joy of working with young children becomes evident on such an occasions when their natural enthusiasm surpasses all expectations. There is nothing as heart warming as the happiness on the faces of young children. A Big Thank You to all the staff and parents who assembled in Mc Nally’s Car Park and in all the other parking places around the town. A big thank you to the little people in our school for whom no challenge is too great and no joy too little. Let’s not forget Sorcha Brophy our mentor and representative from An Taisce. The big walk was indeed a big success with 70% children participating.
Well done to the Green-School committee for working tirelessly over the last few weeks informing and involving all concerned.
Climate Change workshops in St. Louis Infant School
Senior infants in St Louis Infants were very fortunate to have a visit from Sorcha Brophy from An Taisce on Thursday 16th November. Sorcha facilitated a workshop on “Climate Change” which proved interesting for teachers and pupils alike. “Climate Change” when you are only 5 years, what can it all mean? Thanks to Sorcha’s excellent communicative skills and the childrens’ inate curiosity the workshop was a wonderful success. Using strong visual aids and hands on approach the children were fully involved and enjoyed it immensely. At the end of the activity I believe that the children did have an understanding of Fossil fuels, CO2, and what each of us can do to make a difference. The children themselves had lots to say.” It is our earth. It is where we live and we have to look after it” “It is better to walk than to take the car” If you must take the car park and stride or carpool by giving a lift to your friend. “It is better to travel by bus than by car”
The workshop was educational, but nonetheless entertaining. Thanks to Sorcha , An Taisce and the Green-School Programme for their ongoing input and support.