
St. Louis Infant School

(047) 82913office@stlouisinfants.ie

Park Road, Monaghan, H18 P950

GreenSchools News 2020

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Helping our Environment Tree Day1/10/20

One of the best things that we can do to help our environment is to plant trees. Trees do so much to keep the air we breathe clean and healthy. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen and help reduce the risk of climate change. They also provide shelter and food for birds, insects and animals.
This year we will planted an oak tree. The oak has been described as the king of the woods and is greatly valued for its great beauty and the quality of the wood. The oak is a native Irish tree and while it had been very common it is now quite rare.
October 1st being tree day we took the opportunity to plant an oak in the grounds of our school. Some children from First and Senior Infant classes assembled for the planting. Kevin Clerkin, our caretaker, was there to prepare the ground. With the tree safely anchored the children all had the opportunity to hold a branch and have their photo taken.
The warm October sunshine shone down on us and there was a little treat for the children from Mrs Mc Carroll. Mrs Greenan and the committee ( Hannah,Bella, Donnacha, Sayan) planted bulbs at the base of the tree. We planted bluebells and crocus which are all bee friendly and should make a welcome appearance next Spring.
A very enjoyable and happy morning was had by all.


Battery Recycling in St. Louis Infants School

September 20

Well done to the children from Room 14 for the terrific way they collected their used batteries for recycling. The children collected the batteries while they were in Room 9 before all schools were closed by Covid-19 restrictions  The danger of used batteries going to landfill are well known. We do not want chemicals getting into our water supply and polluting our soils.Thanks to E.R.P (European Recycling Platform) batteries can be recycled, the chemicals removed and reused in a safe manner.

Thanks a million to all the children who brought in batteries before March. A special thank you to Room 9 children and Mrs.McKenna who were the winners of a special prize. I hope the children enjoy their little prize which they brought with them when they moved from Senior Infants Room 9 to First Class Room 14.

Mrs Greenan committee ( Hannah,Bella, Donnacha, Sayan) planted bulbs at the base of the tree. We planted bluebells and crocus which are all bee friendly and should make a welcome appearance next Spring.
A very enjoyable and happy morning was had by all.

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