Ethos and Aims
Return to About Us.Ethos Statement
Each one in the school community of St. Louis Infant School, children, teachers, ancillary staff, parents, chaplain and others connected with the school, form a Christian Community. Each has a role to play and all are interdependent on each other.
The staff emphasise that all should be treated with love, care, respect and kindness.
We acknowledge our Catholic and Irish heritage and promote the Christian values inherent in our faith and culture.
We recognise that all adults are there for the welfare of the children and, as teachers , we especially have a vital role in educating the children in our care. We are particularly conscious of the unique place we have in the lives of the children in their formative years.
We are alert to the uniqueness of each individual child and, as we appreciate the gifts and differences, we allow for flexibility when the need arises.
We believe that all work well in a happy and safe place and so we stress the importance of communicating feelings, needs, joys and difficulties.
We promote attitudes of honesty, truthfulness, respect and true freedom and we cultivate a sense of belonging and pride in our surroundings
Elements of our culture
We are an Irish Catholic School and we are proud of our heritage. Our Irish culture and traditions are respected and nourished through the promotion of the spoken language, poetry, music and dance. While we appreciate who we are, we welcome children and parents from other cultures.
Our approach is towards the holistic development of each child. We are diligent in our work and professional in our approach.We challenge the children to give of their best and we support each other through teamwork, openness and respect.
Individual teachers bring their own particular gifts and talents to each class but core values remain constant.
Mission Statement
In our school we educate young children boys and girls in the early years of their Primary Education.
We aim to create a happy and caring atmosphere in a content and safe environment.
We value each child as a unique person with different gifts and different potential.
All children are treated equally regardless of gender, background, religion, race or circumstance.
We recognise the importance of developing self-confidence, a sense of dignity and a good self-image and to this end we provide a well balanced programme of work that includes the development of self-esteem and an appreciation of nature.
We try to develop qualities that bring children closer to others and closer to God.
We realise the importance of teaching children interpersonal skills, helping them to socialise, show respect for themselves and others and to value and respect property.
All members of staff share these ideals, values and attitudes.
We are very conscious of the power of good example and of being clearly focused.
We value each child under our care and we appreciate the person above the performance.
We treat all with fairness and generosity, balancing kindness with firmness.
We motivate the children by providing experiences and challenges which are within their capabilities and allow them to develop at their own pace.
We are aware that home situations differ and make allowances when necessary.
We regard parents as Partners in Education and aim to make them feel welcome in the school and we encourage good communications between parents and teachers.