
St. Louis Infant School

(047) 82913office@stlouisinfants.ie

Park Road, Monaghan, H18 P950


Biodiversity is the 5th theme in the Greenschool Programme. St Louis Infants have already been awarded green-school flags for previous themes, litter and waste, energy, water and travel. The green-school programme is an award programme, school-based, in partnership with An Taisce and the local authority. It aims to instil in children an awareness and appreciation of the environment and natural world.  The children learn that through their actions they too can make a real difference.

What does biodiversity mean?

The Biodiversity awareness survey has already given some interesting results. Sample answers from the children include

 “all about nature” “Wild things in the forest”

 The benefits of biodiversity was further explained by the children, “Nature is cute” “worms and creepy crawleys eat the potato skins and turn them back into soil so plants can grow” “without the bees we would have no honey”

The Environmental Review

Mrs Greenan and her green-school helpers have been out and about the school grounds, looking, finding and recording. Nothing is more enjoyable and beneficial for young children learning outdoors. It is surely “multisensory learning” at its’ best.  The colours and shapes, the warm autumnal breezes, the falling leaves and many sounds all provide lots of learning opportunities.

Biodiversity brings colour and joy into all our lives.

Green Schools Badge